CISVAM – International Study Center for the Development of the Environment and the Sea, in order to:
– improve the competitiveness of the port and logistics system,
– to facilitate the growth of traffic in goods and people,
– promote intermodality in freight traffic, following the analysis of global geo-economic scenarios, the demand for traffic in the various segments, the analysis of the infrastructure offer and services, and of the acknowledgment:
– of the particular structure of the Italian ports with characteristics and specific features that make it difficult to compare with those of other countries, both in the Mediterranean basin, from Spain to the countries of the Middle East and North Africa, and those of the Northern Range (from the port French Le Havre to Hamburg in Germany),
– that many ports distributed on a very large coast, with a geo-morphological conformation of Italy, make it difficult to concentrate in very few ports the functions that most benefit from economies of scale,
– that the Italian ports are almost all located near the center of the historical cities that condition and, from which they are conditioned, with large spaces of waterfront removed from urban functions and limited possibilities of expansion along the coasts,has proposed the creation of innovative floating structures for Integrated Logistics to our MIT, to many foreign countries, to all the Regional Development Banks, to the national and international university world, receiving their interest.
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