It is a precursor and in perfect balance, in which the “WORLD PROJECT” is a precursor and in perfect alignment, proposing the financing of the innovative and sustainable concept of ecoportuality for development banks, which have found a new example of financial success, a present it to their respective Offices and make it known to their respective Stakeholders.
Indeed, sustainable ports are among the first sectors to be financed, together with green cities, energy efficiency, major water problems, wastewater treatment, urban waste disposal, sustainable urban transport (green transport). ), smart cities and environmental consulting services.
To underline this new trend there are also international government and banking activities, which have intensified in this direction.
The banking sector, since June 2013, has shown a different perspective towards the risk of sustainability, launching the EP3 (Equator Principles),
as new guidelines for the management of environmental risks and major infrastructure projects.
A demonstration of the importance of the theme of sustainability that already exists in the business world, already 80 Banks of the BRICI countries and members to other parts of the world have joined.
As can be deduced, even the banking system is certainly not exempt from a more explicit take on the potential commitment of infrastructure projects on biodiversity and a larger number of local businesses from such projects.
It is in this logic of sustainable financeability that the “WORLD PROJECT”, through the WORLD AREA FINANCE Dpt, wants to dare its contribution to the defense of the Environment and to the development of internationalization, financing mainly projects of sustainable, innovative and environmental ecoportality and those of the Green Economy, through:
– agreements with public and private investors, development funds, sovereign funds, regional development banks, business and commercial banks
a personal grasp of innovative and sustainable projects;
– innovative financing lines such as those of the JUNKER Plan, with a 315 billion investment plan;
– growth in the EU, through the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), which is the beating heart of the project;
– The Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) program Financing line of the European Commission for the development of Trans-European Networks of
Transport, which the major priority projects for road transport and combined transport (such as inland waterways and seaports, as well as
European high-speed train network);
The Funds also subsidize studies, research and development that contribute to the objectives of the program.
– access to the 2014-2020 Community Programs;
– The MAE Development Cooperation Funds.
The WORLD AREA FINANCE DPT, thanks to the collaboration with MIBANK, (, which is one of the largest banking and financial services organizations in the world and aspires to be a global leading partner in the transition to a future in low carbon emissions,
is able to provide assistance, in various parts of the world, through its own subholding (Area Network).
Such companies of interest, have the prospects of credit, at the banks in the same state, in which they are established
development companies, for the development of projects in various parts of the world.
Thanks to its institutional and professional relationships, with the Banks of the countries where the destination companies have been established, (Dubai, etc), MIBANK will assist the customers of the WORLD AREA FINANCE Dpt, in the procedure for obtaining credit lines for the development of projects, which are private and public.
The WORLD AREA FINANCE Dpt, financial arm of the World Area Holding Srl, in order to finance research, innovation,
the CISVAM and CISVAGRI projects and to develop the internationalization of SMEs, financing directly or indirectly those
from the Network Area, it will become a Financial Company.