The “PROJECT WORLD”, whose mission is to promote the internationalization of SMEs, is pleased to announce that the Area Network of World Area Holding Srl will see the launching of those Associations for the establishment of Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad who enjoy the recognition of the Italian State.
The Association for the establishment of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Georgia, (henceforth “ASSOCIATION”), is constituted in
non-profit association, according to the Georgian law and, by statute, has the purpose to carry out, mainly, activities in favor
trade with Italy and assistance to economic operators, as well as fostering the development of economic relations
and collaboration between entrepreneurs from different countries.
What does the association do?
The Association develops the link and the collaboration with the Italian institutional system, with the Chamber network, with the Associations of companies,
with the Internationalization Consortia as well as with any other interested subject, be it public or private, also through implementation
of common projects and initiatives.
The Association promotes the dissemination of economic information, useful for fostering collaboration between companies and developing business opportunities.
It is useful to know that, following the participation of numerous Assocamerestero World Conventions, it was born in December 2007,
the World Area Holding Srl, the parent company of the “PROJECT WORLD”, which already provides for the establishment of Associations for the constitution
of Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad.
The No Profit activity of the Associations will be completed with that Profit of the Subholding, in order to unite, but remaining each one in the
the institutional activity with the entrepreneurial activity, thus creating the new model for the promotion of internationalization
of SMEs, according to “PROJECT WORLD”.
Why the establishment of the first Association in Georgia?
Because in Georgia, the institutional and entrepreneurial premises for the establishment of the Association were created, because,
the World Area Holding Srl, in 2017, thanks to the meeting with the Ambassador of Georgia Karlo Sikharulidze in Rome, which
shared the model of the mission of the “PROJECT WORLD”, with the presence of the subholder of Georgia Patima Chovelidze,
marked the start of activity in Georgia.
In 2018, it was then signed to Tblisi, the following:
– Collaboration agreement for the design, construction and financing of the large port of Anaklia, of the Silk Road, with
the Anaklia Consortium, (CISVAM – Blue Economy)
– Collaboration agreements with Municipalities of the Via del Vino, (CISVAGRI – Green Economy);
and there were meetings with:
– the Minister of Sustainable Economic Development, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Parliamentarians of the Government of Georgia,
the Commercial Attaché of the Embassy of Italy in Tblisi, the Mayor of Tblisi and other Municipalities of the Via del Vino, Entrepreneurs and
Primary banks, all interested in developing Blue and Green Economy projects in Georgia, with the SMEs of CISVAM and CISVAGRI.
This is how the “PROJECT WORLD”, also with the start of the constitutions of the Associations, intends to strengthen its model of
development of the internationalization of SMEs, applying it in various countries, through its Area Network, Area No Profit and Profit.